Today's #SpotlightSunday features up and coming West Ham footballer, Aji Alese in our Nigeria Hoodie from The Motherland Collection!

The pandemic and being stuck indoors as a whole has made me cherish being able to go out and the things that I would usually do. Whether that be going to a restaurant or meeting with friends. It has taught me not to take people for granted when they are around because life is so different when that connection to them is cut off.
Both my parents were born in Nigeria and moved to England in their 20s so the Nigerian culture is rich in our house. I personally was never really that interested in it when growing up because I was born and raised in London. But as I got older and began listening to more African music, eating more of the foods and understanding a bit more of the language I definitely became more fascinated by the culture and I’m eager to learn and explore more of it.
To me Black Lives Matters means a lot. The fact that it even has to be said is wrong. It’s unacceptable that a whole race is being treated in a way that they believe that do not matter in the eyes of others. I haven’t been racially abused first hand but I’ve seen it happen and I’m sure that people have preconceived conceptions about me because of the colour of my skin, and to me that is worse, not being physically aware of discrimination towards me is worse.
I’m neither for or against taking the knee. If it’s done with the best intentions that is good but if it’s done only because it looks good then it makes no difference. There are other ways of making your voice heard and promoting change. But everyone is free to express themselves whichever way they feel comfortable.
Thank you Aji for using your platform and sharing his experience and a huge thank you for supporting us! 💜
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